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Pioneer Academies Community Trust

Children are at the centre of everything we do and everything we do, is about improving their life chances

Home Page

Pioneer Academies Community Trust

Children are at the centre of everything we do and everything we do, is about improving their life chances

Governance Structure

Board of Trustees

Our trustees ensure that PACT complies with charity and company law. The Board of Trustees has two core functions and that is to set the strategic direction of the organisation and to ensure financial probity. As a multi-academy trust, the trustees are responsible for all the academies within the Trust. They do this by delegating functions to the Local Governing Body of each academy through a scheme of delegation.  


Local Governing Body  

Whilst Pioneer Academies Community Trust is ultimately accountable for the performance of each of its academies, local governing bodies are established to carry out the delegated academy level governance functions, as set out in the Scheme of Delegation. 


The core business of the Local Governing Body is to:

  • Monitor and review the Academy Improvement Plan
  • Monitor and review standards of attainment and progress
  • Monitor and review the curriculum and educational provision
  • Ensure sound financial planning, budget monitoring and best value
  • Provide challenge and scrutiny to the senior leaders


Board Meetings Attendance 2023-24



Helen Harrisonüx    
Dave ThomasxN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Jamie Kilnerüü    
Melanie Barberüü    
Gemma Conwayxü    
Adrian Otleyüü    



Finance & Audit Committee Meetings Attendance 2023-24



Jamie Kilnerü  
Helen Harrisonü  
Gemma Conwayx  
Dave Thomasx  
Melanie Barberü  
Adrian Otleyü  

