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Pioneer Academies Community Trust

Children are at the centre of everything we do and everything we do, is about improving their life chances

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Pioneer Academies Community Trust

Children are at the centre of everything we do and everything we do, is about improving their life chances

Declaration of Interest

NameDate of appointmentTerm of officeDate stepped downEntityNature of interestNotesDate declared
Marilyn Gittner **01.12.2012 --PACTPersonal or close family relationshipPartner is also a Member29.11.22
Michael Corney ***15.06.2016--PACTPersonal or close family relationshipPartner is also a member29.11.22
Peter Steadman***29.11.2022--Salex HR LtdBusiness or financeDirector since 31.10.201425.11.2024
Carlton Primary AcademyPersonal or close family relationshipSon is Headteacher of school and DCEO of the Trust
The Rose Learning TrustOther governance roleChair of trustees since 02.02.2023
Advanced HR LtdBusiness or financeConsultant HR Advisor
Angela Dobrucki***02.12.2024--None  02.12.2024
Helen Harrison*
14.05.2024 - 13.05.2028 TEAM Education TrustOther governance roleTrustee - 20.05.202114.10.24
Exchange Teacher Training (Delta)Other governance roleMember of strategic board - 01.07.2023
Dave Thomas***10.02.202210.02.2022 - 09.02.202602.12.2024Amco GiffenBusiness or financeEmployee02.12.2024
Carlton Primary AcademyPersonal or close family relationshipWife is an employee at the school 
James Kilner*04.10.202204.10.2022 - 03.10.2026-JEK Education Consulting LtdBusiness or financeDirector since 25.07.201214.10.2024
Melanie Barber*04.10.202204.10.2022 - 03.10.2026-None  14.10.2024
Gemma Conway*28.02.202328.02.2023 - 27.02.2027-Elsabeth AestheticsBusiness or financeOwner & Director - 16.02.202325.11.2024
BMBCBusiness or financeEmployee - Named nurse for children in care - Sept 2017
Outwood Carlton AcademyOther governance roleGovernor - 19.09.2023
Carlton Village Community GroupOther governance roleChair of board - April 2005
Royston Ward AllianceOther governance roleMember - October 2016
Monk Bretton Ward AllianceOther governance roleMember - June 2018
Adrian Otley*27.06.202327.06.2023 - 26.06.2027-Summer Lane PrimaryOther governance roleGovernor since 17.10.202314.10.2024
Brierley C of E PrimaryOther governance roleGovernor since 14.11.24
Harry Wood01.10.2019N/A-None  14.10.2024
Suzanne Disley07.05.2024N/A-None  14.05.2024


* Board appointed   ** Founding member   *** Member appointed

Declarations of Interest
